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ORACLE sql 실습

by 팁텍북 2017. 12. 4.

ORACLE sql 실습


--select * [col1, col2, ...]

--from table_name

--where condition

select * from employees

where salary>=1500; --비교연산자>=크거나 같다.

select * from employees where department_id = 10; --equal연산

--문자열 조건으로 조회하기

select * from employees

where first_name = 'Whalen'; --문자열 조건 비교시, 문자열은 ''로 묶어서 비교

--날짜 조건으로 조회하기

--select * from employees

--where hire_date <= '199'

select * from employee

where salary >= 1500;

select * from employee

where dno = 10;

select * from employee

where ename=SCOTT;

select * from employee

where ename = 'SCOTT';

select * from employee

where hiredate<='1981/01/01';

select * from employee where dno=10 and job= 'MANAGER';

select * from employee where dno=10 or job ='MANAGER';

select * from employee where not dno = 10;

select * from employee

where dno <> 10

select * from employee where salary>=1000 and salary <=1500;

select * from employee where commission = 300 or commission=500 or commission =1400;

select * from employee where salary between 1000 and 1500;

select * from employee

where salary>=1000 and salary<=1500;

select * from employee

where salary not between 1000 and 1500;

select * from employee where salary <1000 or salary>1500;

select employee_id, first_name||last_name empname, hire_date, job_id, manager_id, department_id from employees 

where department_id =100 or manager is null or salary <10000;

select * from SALGRADE;

select * from employees where salary >=1000 and salary <=15000 order by employee_id;

select * from emp order by empno;

select empno,count(*) from emp group by empno;


select * from employees where salary between 1000 and 15000;

--not between

select * from employees where salary between 1000 and 15000;

--in 연산자

--나열형 조건

select * from employee where commission in(300,500,1400);

select * from employee where commission not in(300,500,1400);

select * from employee where ename like 'F%';

select * from employee 

    where ename like '%M%';


select * from employee where ename like '%N';

select * from employee

where ename like '_A%';

select * from employee

where ename like '__A%';

select * from employee where ename not like '%A%';

select ename, dno, commission from employee;

select * from employee where commission is null;

select * from employee where commission is not null;

select * from employee order by salary asc;


select * from employee order by salary;


select * from employee order by salary desc;

select * from employee order by ename;

select * from employee order by ename desc;

select * from emp where ename like '%M%';

select * from employee order by hiredate desc;

select * from employee order by salary desc, ename asc;

select ename, salary from employee where salary>2000 order by salary desc;

select ename, dno from employee where eno = '7788';

select ename, salary from employee where salary not between 2000 and 3000;

select ename, job, hiredate from employee where hiredate between '81/02/20' and '81/05/01';

select ename dno from employee where dno in(20,30) order by ename;

select ename, salary, dno from employee where salary between 2000 and 3000 and dno in(20,30) order by ename;

select ename, hiredate from employee where hiredate like '81%';

select ename, job from employee where manager is null;

select ename, salary,commission from employee where commission is not null order by salary, commission;

select ename from employee where ename like '__R%';

select ename from employee where ename like '%A%' and ename like '%E%';

select  ename, job, salary from employee where job in('CLERK','salesman')

and salary not in (1600,950,1300);

select ename, salary, commission from employee where commission >=500;
