위 논문은 핀란드(JAMK대학, Tieto)에서 쓰여진 논문입니다.
Robotic Process Automation Implementation within an organization - Borhan Amini
본 논문에서는 실제 POC프로젝트를 수행한 내용을 정리하였으며, 프로젝트를 통해 RPA솔루션으로 최소한의 IT인프라 개선을 통해 빠른 자동화 구현이 가능했다고 했습니다.
아래에 논문에 제공된 PDD를 정리하였습니다.
프로세스 설계문서(PDD)
- RPA의 목적
시간절약, 낮은 가치의 작업 수행, 실수 제거를 통한 품질향상
- 프로세스의 주요내용
Alteams Oy의 회계부서에서 매일 5분씩 직원 1명이 수행하는 업무로,
.txt 형태로 작성된 보고서파일을 편집하여 IFS(International Financial Statistics로 추정됨)에 공급업체 정보를 업데이트 하는 내용임.
아래는 논문 초록내용입니다.
The thesis was assigned by the accounting and finance department of the Alteams Oy located in Jyväskylä. The assignment was to perform a feasibility study aiming to researchand examine the strengths and weaknesses of deploying Robotic Process Automation(RPA) to automate potential manual processes within the organization in practice.Two manual business processes with high potentials were identified and then selected asautomation targets. The UiPath Platform including UiPath Studio and UiPath Robot wereused for the RPA implementation. The UiPath Studio was used to develop the automatedprocesses and UiPath Robot was used to run the processes.Different desktop and web-based applications were included in the target processes. Thefirst automated process included: IFS, ReadSoft and Notepad and the second automatedprocess included MS Excel and web application tietopalvelu.ytj.fi.The result was a fully functional RPA implementation. Two attended RPA robots were developed as POCs and are currently running in pilot. As expected the RPA implementationdid not require any changes in the current infrastructure and IT setup of the organization.The RPA implementation was quite fast and covers all the requirements of the accountingdepartment.Future phases and improvements are deploying an RPA service provider (vendor) in orderto set up the RPA production environment and develop unattended production level robots to automate more business processes.